Strength Zapper: Living in FFW Mode

Has anyone else found themselves trying to microwave a miracle, a manifestation, or a moment? I’m old enough (and experienced enough) to know that life doesn’t work this way. Hitting the “fast forward” button to skip over the routine, mundane parts in an attempt to “get to the good part” only happens with technology. In real life, process requires time and has patience inherently baked in as an essential requirement (is that redundant? LOL). Yet, in repetitively familiar cycles, I find myself in the same place (albeit with a different situation and set of circumstances) trying to hurry the results. 

While reading about joy this morning, I found myself speeding up and just trying to “get to the end.” Mentally, I wanted to check the box for “completed morning devotions.” How disingenuous, insincere, and un-worshipful! I realized I hadn’t even noticed (let alone processed, absorbed, or retained) what I just read. Isn’t the point of reading about joy to draw closer to God? I was going through the motions and missing the point. 

I repented and reread the passage, from the top – slower, deliberately, and with intention. I saw a phrase pop out that was confirmation of what God had spoken to me previously this week, but I was probably rushing too much for its significance to even register. I laughed as I was reminded that the point of reading about joy isn’t to complete the reading, but to be pulled into closer relationship with the Source of Joy. Perspective maintenance complete? Check!

My prayer for us today is that we slow down long enough to experience the love of God instead of just reading or hearing about it – there’s a tremendous difference! May we be refreshed as true joy causes our strength to be renewed…

“And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

(Nehemiah 8:10)

© Copyright 2021 by Kayren J. Cathcart