Here’s a gift with a purpose: Today, I Pray…

Today, I Pray...Simple Prompts to Put Away Procrastinated Prayer

These are definitely praying times, wouldn’t you agree?

Sooo much is going on in the world these days – particularly on college campuses – that it can weigh down the heart. Within the past several days, I’ve reached out to my own children just to make sure they were safe in the midst of turbulence occurring near or at their respective schools.

The reason I asked if you’ve put off prayer lately is because it’s a challenge I find myself coming back to – time and again. #TransparentTruth

Sometimes it’s hard to get started with prayer. Or shut out the distractions. Or carve out a moment away from the hustle, bustle, and grind of everyday life.

“Procrastinated prayer” doesn’t sound holy at all, but let’s be honest.

Real talk? I have put off prayer…on more occasions (and more recently) than I care to admit.

No judgment here ‘cuz I fully believe that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones! #JudgmentFreeZone

How do we get outta the rut of carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders (which we’re not built for, by the way)? How do we get over the hump of praying one day, skipping a couple of days, then showing up in God’s presence after we’ve gotten even more weary and worn down? Help is here.

My friend, if you’ve ever felt like you needed a conversation starter with your Creator, be encouraged. I’m offering you a tool I created and curated to help us get back on track.

Today, I Pray…Simple Prompts to Put Away Procrastinated Prayer

I hope you’ll check it out – and use it…starting TODAY. #TodayIPray

It’s that important.

We all need accountability as we grow and mature. And sometimes we need a gentle nudge in the right direction…here’s your nudge…

Click here for your complimentary copy of Today, I Pray…
(it’s a flipbook, which I think is pretty cool)

I hope you’ll hit REPLY and lemme know how Today, I Pray… helped you.

p.s. If you wanna grab a PDF version you can download or print, please ​visit my online bookstore​.

Abundant blessings during these praying times,


“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray,

and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,

and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

(II Chronicles 7:14)

© Copyright 2023 by Kayren J. Cathcart

10 Tips to Shift Your Mindset

10 Ways to Shift Your Mindset According to the Experts

We all want happiness, success, and fulfillment. So, what’s standing in the way? It’s often a matter of mindset.  

Your mindset is how you approach the issues and challenges you face. How you think about these matters affects everything you do, so it’s essential to remain positive.

With the right mindset, you can rise to any challenge. Here are tips from the experts on shifting your mindset for success.

1. Change the Wording

One way to adopt a better mindset is to reframe the wording of what you think and believe.

We all have negative beliefs that hold us back. Sometimes, they manifest themselves as negative self-talk. For example, you might say, “I’m not good enough,” or “I can’t do this.”

You can adopt a more positive mindset by reframing them:

I’m not good enough. -> I’m getting better each day.

I can’t do this -> I’m learning how to do this.

Even something like, “I hate my job,” can be reframed to, “I’m doing what I need to do now and transitioning to something better.”

The first step to reframing is to identify your negative thought patterns. Then, pay attention to the voice inside your head and what it tells you.

Other ways to discover your negative thoughts are to journal, practice mindfulness, or seek feedback from people who know you well.

2. Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs

You can create an even more lasting effect by challenging your negative thought patterns and demonstrating they’re untrue.

For example, you can collect evidence that proves otherwise if you feel you’re an imposter and not good at what you do. When these negative thoughts appear, you can counteract them with this evidence. Look at results you’ve gotten before, or seek positive feedback from others.

It can also help to look at the lives of successful people. If you feel like you’re not successful, it might help to realize that no top performer was born that way. Everyone needed to improve like you’re doing now.

3. Improve Your Content Mix

You can significantly change your mindset by consuming more empowering content. Find videos, podcasts, and blogs that make you feel inspired. Use content that fires you up and gets you ready to take action.

Podcasts are a great way to feel more empowered because you can listen to them while you work, commute, or do things around the house. It’s like a voice in your ear inspiring you as you go about your day.

4. Create a Positive Morning Routine

What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? How do you spend the first few hours of the day?

The way you spend the morning sets the tone for the whole day. So creating a morning routine that makes you feel positive and energized is an excellent idea. Then, you’ll approach everything you do with more positivity.

Start by deciding what you’ll do when you first wake up. Next, choose activities that will help you feel positive, such as light exercise, meditation, a healthy breakfast, reading time, or enjoying content that inspires you.

Full disclosure: I’m still working on this one! LOL

5. Set Goals

Setting goals helps you shift your mindset by focusing on positive future outcomes. When you make goals, you create this future for yourself, choosing what you want and don’t want.

You know what you’re working toward when you have clear and specific goals. Staying motivated is more manageable when you have a bad day or experience a setback. You’ll realize that one setback doesn’t erase all your progress.

6. Visualize the Future You Want

Along with setting goals, visualization helps you focus on the future you want, which brings positivity into your life today.

Choose a time in the future and imagine your life and business in as much detail as possible. Use all your senses to visualize what it would be like. You can practice this visualization daily or whenever you need some positivity. This is a great element to add to your morning routine.

7. Express Daily Gratitude

Daily gratitude is extremely powerful in creating a positive mindset and sense of abundance. It makes you appreciate all the good you have in your life.

The best way to do this is through a gratitude journal. Sit down every day and write down 3 things you’re grateful for. In addition to positivity, your gratitude journal will make you more resilient, reduce stress, and improve your mental health.

It really works…I’m a witness!

8. Embrace a Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is a perspective that sees human beings as capable of change and growth. It differs from a fixed mindset, which says people can’t fundamentally change. Developing a growth mindset will give you a more positive way of thinking.

There are many ways to do this, but the most impactful is to reorder the way you see challenges and learning. For example, people with a growth mindset see every experience as a chance for growth. This is particularly the case with challenges, failures, and hard times. Instead, it would help if you understood that whether you succeed or fail, you’ll come through your trials knowing more than before.

9. Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal is a great way to become more positive. Reflecting on your thoughts and feelings makes you more self-aware, so you can quickly identify negative thoughts or self-talk. Then you can develop strategies to change them.

Journaling helps your mindset by allowing you to work through problems and brainstorm solutions in writing. You can then develop action plans to make the changes you need. It also provides a way to “talk” and vent your anger or frustrations.

TOTAL YES on this one!!!

10. Creating Positive Success Habits

Creating positive success habits is the best way to shift to a positive mindset. Choose a few from the above or others you may find and create a routine where these strategies become ingrained in your everyday life. With increased positivity, you’ll find it easier to get things done and keep negativity and stress at bay.

You’ve GOT THIS, my friend! Let’s walk this journey together…

Want to learn more about how you can transform your mindset into one of positivity? Head over here (remember #3!):

Kayren’s Podcast | Kayren’s YouTube Channel | Kayren’s Publications

© Copyright 2023 by Kayren J. Cathcart

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:”

(Philippians 2:5)

GIFT4U: My book NESTLED is FREE this week + MORE GOODIES! [Digital Products Made Easy! Bundle]

Nestled: Promises of God's Protection & Provision by Kayren J. Cathcart

Hey friend, if you’re interested in creating digital products to generate a passive stream of income and solidify yourself as the authority in your niche without complete burnout, then keep reading….

My biz bestie Nicole Batey has just announced her latest project, and you’re gonna love what she has in store for you! 

She’s asked SCORES of amazing content creators, influencers, and educators in creating digital products (INCLUDING ME!) to share their systems, tools, and strategies.

And she wasn’t looking for freebies! She wanted only our premium content – things we sell inside our businesses from $9 all the way up to $297…courses, trainings, templates, workshops, and resources. I must say that Nicole overdelivered with this one!

I actually added my book Nestled: Promises of God’s Protection & Provision to give you encouragement and inspiration as you become more intentional about incorporating self-care into your lifestyle.

And until February 10th, you can get Nestled completely for FREE along with over 30 other premium templates, resources, and mini-courses inside the Digital Products Made Easy! Bundle.

All you have to do is head to the Digital Products Made Easy! Bundle website right here. Then enter your email address and sign up for each individual premium free gift you want. We’re talking…

  • Go to guides on how to set up your digital product
  • Social media templates to easily sell your digital products on autopilot
  • Exactly how to set up your digital product store for super easy passive profits
  • Pinterest templates for lead gen to make using Pinterest super easy
  • Affiliate promo pack to help your affiliates sell your digital products
  • Canva templates for your workbooks
  • Lead magnet workbook to set up your funnel 
  • Plus a whole toolkit to add self-care to your regimen during the digital product building process

The Digital Products Made Easy! Bundle is all about giving you the tools necessary to create your first (or next) digital product that generates passive income and solidifies yourself as an authority on your own terms.

Just so you know, you only have until February 10th to DOWNLOAD all the gifts you want. After that, you’ll have to pay for them.

Click here to head to the Digital Products Made Easy! Bundle now. 

I’m cheering for your success, Kayren 🙂

The Convo Lab is LIVE tonight @8pm ET

The Convo Lab

I literally just booked & confirmed two AMAZING authors on The Convo Lab and wanted to invite you to join us LIVE if you’re available tonight at 8pm ET…

Two options to join: we’re streaming live to my YouTube channel  and via  LinkedIn

Join this LIVE “don’t miss double-header” with dynamic authors (who wear many other hats!) Khalilah Wilbourn and Yedidah Spann as we explore “Harnessing the Power of Collaboration!”

It’s a Happy New Year indeed – we’re kicking off 2023 with BIG THINGS in The Convo Lab…THE gathering place for Conversational Collaborations with Dynamic Women! Connect with Host Kayren Cathcart for a “sistah chat” featuring women from diverse backgrounds who share their personal stories of transition and transformation.

Abundant blessings,


p.s. Of course you can catch the replay on my YouTube channel  or via  LinkedIn, but if you join live, you’re welcome to comment and interact with our guests – and you KNOW we’re gonna have some down-home fun with boundless energy! Drop in if you can…you’ll definitely be encouraged, inspired, and motivated!

It’s My Birthday – Help Me Celebrate!

I’d LOVE for you to help me celebrate my birthday this week by grabbing a book or online course to support your personal growth and development throughout this new year. It’ll be like a virtual party!

I’ve been preparing LOTS of goodies to share and my online bookstore will continue to grow at – check it out!

Click this link to see all that’s included in my NEW online course curriculum (it’s SOOO good!):

3 Simple Time Management Strategies for Working Women

I’m here to inspire, motivate, and encourage you to move forward in God’s plan for your life. Happy New Year – let’s make 2023 a year like no other as we go forth boldly – obeying God, stepping out in faith, and getting organized!

Abundant blessings and grateful for another year on the planet,


“Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.”

(Psalm 25:5)

© Copyright 2023 by Kayren J. Cathcart

The Hambone Speaks

Honestly, I can’t say that I was looking for a “sign from on high” as I carved up our Christmas ham for various sandwiches, breakfast casseroles, pasta salads, and whatever else ham is destined to become over a holiday weekend. Yet, I heard that hambone speak today and had to capture the sentiment. It didn’t literally speak out loud (‘cuz that would be totally weird, right?!). However, I was struck by the way the bone popped out when I cut it to make it fit into the crock pot. I was adding it to season and flavor the six-pound industrial-sized can of green beans I’d procured for Thanksgiving (but SOMEbody else wanted collard greens instead, so the green beans took a back seat until the next holiday…and here we are!). I digress…let’s get back to the hambone.

While sawing with that big ol’ serrated knife, I finally hit the bone. I knew the knife’s limitations and that it wouldn’t go through the bone, so I looked for the joint. I found it and wiggled against the knife until I heard a “pop!” When I saw the juicy marrow inside, Hebrews 4:12 popped into my head. I was like, “Wow Lord, I didn’t expect an object lesson from the kitchen today, but thank You!”

The Amplified Bible says it this way:

“For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

As we ruminate over 2022, we can see that we’ve done some significant work. God invites us to labor to enter into His rest. As we do so, we can expect His Word – like a two-edged sword – to “penetrate as far as the division…of both the joints and marrow.” This indicates that there’s more work to be done in each of His children. Will you yield and allow Him to bring forth His plans through you in 2023?

This scripture passage challenges me to “cease from my own works” (just like Proverbs 3:5-6 constantly reminds me to “lean not to my own understanding). I have been in “reflect-and-repent” mode as I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the MANY things God has brought me through this year. As that knife cut and divided the ham and the bone and the marrow, I was reminded that God’s Word is powerfully working to sever some things that don’t need to go into the new year with me.

My prayer is that we will allow His Word to perform its penetrating work in us starting now and continuing into the new year…all for HIS glory.

P.S. I know I need to add more veggies to my menus in 2023…it’s already on my list! LOL

Abundant blessings for a Merry CHRISTmas and a prosperous Happy New Year, Kayren 🙂

“9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

(Hebrews 4:9-12)

© Copyright 2022 by Kayren J. Cathcart

It’s NEVER Too Late to Start

Check out this NEW BOOK RELEASE!!!

Hey friend, I DID the thing (FINALLY)! Here it is the last month of the year, but after talkin’ about it, prayin’ about it, and preparin’ for it, I got it in. I’m excited to announce… 

<drumroll, please!>🥁 

I’ve published my FIRST book of 2022 – whoo hoo!🎉

What a journey it’s been, but I can’t wait to share my first story with you – and it’s a FUN one!

Living Beneath Your Privilege? is a modern-day princess story for grown women who love a good “once upon a time” tale with a happy ending!

I pray this book is a blessing to you as you prepare to walk in ALL that God has for you in the new year that’s JUST AROUND THE CORNER. 

Remember, it’s NEVER too late to start! What has God laid on your heart to begin? There are several weeks remaining in 2022 – let’s make ‘em count with productivity for building God’s Kingdom!

As always, I welcome your feedback on Living Beneath Your Privilege? and I truly appreciate you being part of this community.

Blessings, Kayren

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”

(Psalm 34:8 KJV)

“8 O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good;

How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who takes refuge in Him.

9 O [reverently] fear the Lord, you His saints (believers, holy ones);

For to those who fear Him there is no want.

10 The young lions lack [food] and grow hungry,

But they who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing.”

(Psalm 34:8-10 AMP)

© Copyright 2022 by Kayren J. Cathcart

P.S. What are you waiting for?! Grab your copy of Living Beneath Your Privilege? TODAY!

Take the Plunge

Explore the intersection of coaching, leadership, & personal growth in this inspirational Toastmasters speech by Kayren Cathcart, DTM. 

Got 12 minutes? Check out this NEW podcast episode and get inspired: 

When I saw no speakers signed up on the Toastmasters agenda, I challenged myself to “Take the Plunge” and collect the thoughts I’d share just 45 minutes before the meeting began…😯

DONE is better than perfect – so I decided to practice what I preach.🙌🏽

Whatcha think – how did this speech turn out?🤔 I welcome your constructive feedback!🤓

If you’re ready to get unstuck and become UNSTOPPABLE, I’d love to be your cheerleader and accountability partner as you kick off the process! June JumpSTART 2022 is designed with YOU in mind – because NOW is the time!👍🏼 Click here for more information and details on how to sign up…Blessings, Kayren

Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.”

(Psalm 25:5)

“For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.”

(Psalm 31:3)

© Copyright 2022 by Kayren J. Cathcart

P.S. If you enjoy my podcast, please SUBSCRIBE on your preferred platform, SHARE the juicy goodness with others, and leave me a 5-star REVIEW…thanks so much! Stay encouraged…🤗

Unwrap the Gift of YOU!

Have you ever received a really nice gift and thought, “I’ll save this for a special occasion,” or “I’ll wear it for a fancy celebration,” or “I’ll use it when the time is right” – and before you know it, you’ve forgotten that you even had the gift? Then a few months later, when you’re walking around with a raggedy high-heeled shoe shooting off sparks behind you or wearing a torn item of clothing, you remember, “Hey – I’ve got a great new pair of shoes and a new outfit nestled in the back of my closet! Why am I going out looking crazy?” Well, that’s happened to me more times than I care to admit! I knew the giver must’ve spent a pretty penny (or at least some time and energy) getting me the “just right” gift and looking forward to me making good use of it…only to find that I tucked it away and failed to maximize the gift’s capacity.

Years ago, I became more mindful of this principle after my home was broken into. Thankfully, no one in my family was harmed (we weren’t at home when it happened), but some valuable items were taken. Sadly, I must admit those stolen items included one set of jewelry that I wore so seldom (though it was given to me for a significant milestone) that my husband realized it was missing before I did. He GAVE it to me, but I didn’t even realize it was gone.

How many times have we been in that situation with valuable gifts God has given us? Additionally, how many of us don’t realize that we are gifts that He has given to be a blessing to others? II Corinthians 4:7 reminds us that we have treasure (something of great worth) in earthen vessels. It’s time to unwrap the gift of YOU! No matter what your container looks like, the product inside is precious to God!

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”

(II Corinthians 4:7)

© Copyright 2022 by Kayren J. Cathcart

p.s. Sis, are you ready to write that book, start that podcast, launch your business? Drop some emotional baggage for good? I’d love to be your cheerleader and accountability partner as you kick off the process! June JumpSTART 2022 is designed with YOU in mind! Click here if you want more information and details on how to sign up…Blessings, Kayren 🙂

HOT off the press🔥…The Convo Lab – Season 2 is HERE!

OMG, y’all…if you have EVER experienced frustration with weight loss issues (like me!) and need some encouragement (like me!), check out this NEW episode of The Convo Lab – Season 2 with my friend and writer, Chrissy Patrick…she is SERIOUSLY dropping some TRUTH BOMBS about “Weighty Matters” that will help you get started on the path to better health:

*I hope you’ll Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel for more of The Convo Lab…#AllSistahsAreWelcome #SelfCareIsNOTselfish #TheConvoLab

Blessings, Kayren 🤗

1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

(Hebrews 12:1-2)